We're the Experts |
The Carpet Cleaners 123 Main Street
Anytown, NY 20317
(212) 555-4321
(212) 555-1234 fax
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The Carpet Cleaners
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The Carpet Cleaners prides itself in providing the very best in residential and commercial cleaning services. Our truck mounted cleaning systems offer the most powerful cleaning available, with average drying times of 4 hours.
Specialties include:
- Pet Urine Restoration
- Scotchgard©
- Red Stain Removal
- Blood Removal
- Curtain Cleaning
- Area Rug and Oriental Rug Care and Cleaning
Our master cleaners are members of:
- NIFR - National Institute of Fire Restoration
- UCCI - United Carpet Cleaners Incorporated
- ASCR International - Association of Specialists In Cleaning & Restoration
- DSI - Drapery Specialists Institute
- CUCI- -Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Institute
- IICUC - International Institute of Carpet and Upholstery Certification